ExxonMobilRewardsPlus Register a Card
The ExxonMobileRewardsPlus program is a BIG must for gas-guzzling consumers in the United States who spend a good chunk of change on pricey gasoline.
ExxonMobileRewardsPlus Activation Instructions
- You visit exxonandmobilrewardsplus.com/welcome/home
- You click on the red in color “join now” tab
- Then you click on “I have an Exxon Mobil Rewards+ Card”
- You input the ExxonMobilRewardsPlus card number and activation code
- Then you create a PIN
- Confirm activation
Please note the ExxonMobileRewards+ 3 digit pin code can be found on the back of the card.
Also, You need to create a memorable 4 digit PIN as it will be needed at the pump when you are using your phone number to redeem points.
ExxonMobileRewardsPlus Review
- All new members will receive 100 bonus points instantly and 15 points per gallon for the next 30 days
- After the bonus promotion for every gallon of gas, members will earn 3 points
- For every 100 points earned members will receive a $1 gas credit
This is a good card for Exxon Mobil customers.

ExxonMobileRewardsPlus Customer Service
- ExxonMobilRewardsPlus Phone Number: 1-888-REWARD+ (888-739-2730)
- ExxonMobileRewardsPlus Email
- For ExxonMobile Gift Card issues dial 1-800-972-7481 (M-F 8am-5pm) or 1-800-919-8646 (after hours)
- ExxonMobileRewardsPlus App
- ExxonMobile on Facebook
ExxonMobileReward+ Points can only be redeemed at Exxon or Mobile branded gas stations.
If you don’t have an ExxonMobileRewardsPlus please sign up at exxonandmobilrewardsplus.com/welcome/enrollment.
ExxonMobileRewardsPlus Program Notes
- You must be 13 years of age or older and a legal resident of the United States
- Consumers who are between 13 and 18 years old, you may only use Exxon Mobil Rewards+ under the supervision of a parent or legal guardian
- Upon sign up please wait 10 business days for the card to arrive via US Mail
- Members will also earn 2 points for $1 spent on food or drink items
- Exxon Mobil Rewards+ is a rewards program that is operated by ExxonMobil Oil Corporation
Exxon Mobil reserves the right to modify or terminate the Exxon Mobil Rewards+ program at any time for any reason.
Exxon Mobil Rewards Plus Card Registration?
If you are lucky enough to have the card already you please visit www.exxon.com/en/rewards-program to register online.
Please note if you fill up on Synergy Supreme+ premium gas, you will access the lucrative Exxon Mobil Rewards+ Premium status.
The Premium Status allows members to earn 2X the points – equal to 6¢ per gallon – plus exclusive offers.
Tag: exxonmobilerewardsplus, exxonmobil rewards plus